“For many years, I have explored the landscape and still-life as vehicles for my interest in color, shape and spatial relationships. The work has ranged from realism to impressionism. However color has always been my primary concern – finding that ‘right’ color that makes the others relate, sometimes in harmony and sometimes with tension. The joy is in finding the color that modifies the colors around it with its luminosity, weight, and distance or proximity to the others. Major influences have been Bonnard, Diebenkorn and DeKooning.
For the last several years, my work has been exclusively non-representational, allowing me more freedom to express my own emotions and to explore the canvas surface and the plasticity of oil paint. Shapes are always present, perhaps subconsciously drawn from years of landscape experience. My present concern is how to preserve the dynamic quality of paint applied with some abandon, yet to construct the work as a cohesive whole.”

Linda George recently took 1st Place at the Rowayton Arts Center juried show for her piece titled “Combustion.”  More information on this can be found here: