Katherine Evans Buddha’s Gate IX Acrylic on Canvas 36″ x 36 “ $6,000 For more on Katherine Evans click HERE. “Winter Solstice” by Katherine Evans “Daybreak II” by Katherine Evans “Oasis” by Katherine Evans “Buddha’s Gate IX” by Katherine Evans “Happy Hour II” by Katherine Evans “Blowing Kisses II” by Katherine Evans “Sun Drenched Sky IV” by Katherine Evans “Southampton Summer” by Katherine Evans “Morning Light” by Katherine Evans “Happy As Grass III” by Katherine Evans “Floating Above The Surface IV” by Katherine Evans “Sun Salutation” by Katherine Evans “Daybreak” by Katherine Evans Katherine Evans Katherine Evans Katherine Evans “Azul El Mar” by Katherine Evans “Smiles of A Summer Night” by Katherine Evans Katherine Evans ‘Color Awakening III” by Katherine Evans “Wellspring” By Katherine Evans “Buddha’s Gate IX” by Katherine Evans2024-02-292024-02-29https://handwrightgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/hgf_logo_black_for-eamail-350-pxles.jpgHandwright Gallery & Framinghttps://handwrightgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/hgf_logo_black_for-eamail-350-pxles.jpg200px200px